Crime Scene Cleaner | RePack | v1.0.20

Crime Scene Cleaner | RePack | v1.0.20

/ Views:  5 077 / Comments: 3

Release Date: 2024

Genre: Action, Simulation

Developer: President Studio

Publisher: President Studio, PlayWay S.A.

Game version: v1.0.20

Release type: RePack

Interface language: English, Russian, Multi

Audio language: English

Мedicine: Included (RUNE)

System requirements

Operation system: x64 Windows 10/11

Processor: i5-7500 or similar

Memory: 16 GB

Graphics: GTX 1060

Free hard disk space: 32.9 GB

About This Game

When insurance companies dodge the responsibility, it’s up to you to save your daughter’s life. This will require some dirty work and shady clientele, but you have no other choice, right? When the big boss calls once again, bring a bucket and a mop cause you will really need them. Are you up for the challenge? You need nerves of steel to clean crime scenes left behind by major and minor criminals. You may not have money for your daughter’s hospital stays, but what you do have is a very particular set of skills. With the help of an entire arsenal of equipment, you will clean blood, pack up bodies, and remove any odor. All this under the pressure of a ticking clock and police breathing down your neck.

Screenshots Trailer Release Features DLCs


  • Nothing is cut / nothing is recoded;
  • Installation time depends on the computer's power;
  • Language selection in the game settings, during installation, or in the *.ini file in the game folder.
  • -
Comments 3
Иваныч18 August 2024 21:00

Хрена, ей оперативки надо. Прям как, какому нибудь бесцелеру. )))

Stefan20 August 2024 07:17


Вау! Странно это читать! В моё время Celeron считался чем-то футуристическим! Ты говоришь, что нужно много оперативки!? Ты уверен, что проблема не в слабой видеокарте? Можно иметь 32 ГБ оперативки, но если у тебя, например, Nvidia Quadro K600, то, конечно, твоему компьютеру будет очень тяжело запустить игру!

Büşra Akbaş
Büşra Akbaş28 August 2024 11:21

Игра не переходит к 3-му эпизоду, в кат-сцене в доме нет телефона и он не звонит; Как я могу решить эту проблему?

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